Friday, November 6, 2009

What is that I hear.....

Nothing...thats right folks .... Silence.....
Jaxon is spending the night at his grandma and grandpa's house tonight. This is our first night away from him and I am very proud of myself. He is only ten weeks old and I am allowing the boy out of my sight. I really do miss him already but I keep focusing on that good nights' sleep that I will be getting tonight. I will need to get up twice to pump, but that is just pumping and going right back to bed no funny business in between. My child who once slept 4/5 hour strectches is suddently back to eating every 2 hours day and night.
So what might a girl do with her new found free time... Dinner and a movie. Jason and I are hanging out with our favorite neighbors tonight. This was typically our Friday night in our past life, so it is nice to revisit that once again. Sushi and wine here I come.....(I will hold off on the wasabi as Jaxon gets very fussy when I eat spicy foods.)

Friday, October 30, 2009


I was able to reschedule Jaxon's appointment for November 17th, this happens to be a Tuesday that I will be home. ( I set it up this way)
Just in case he needs his mommy....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

8 weeks old...

This Tuesday Jaxon was officially 2 months old. I have been dreading this milestone as I knew he would be getting his shots. I had it all set up so that Jason could take him to his appointment and I could be outside the room ready to comfort him. I know technically this is the second set of shots but I was in the recovery room when he had his newborn shots so I did not have to experience this.
Well the night before his scheduled appointment the nurse calls to say that the doctor is not seeing any well children. He is only accepting appointments of those who are sick ( which mainly consists of children with the H1N1 virus). I am so thankful that the office is this considerate but now I get to have anxiety for another week or so.
And to top it off if I don't' get him in to see the doctor in the next two weeks I will be back at work.
Which means mommy will not be comforting him all day after his appointment, daycare ladies will be...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall is here

I can't believe it is October already. I can't believe Fall is here.... And most of all I can't believe that in just 3 weeks I will be heading back to work. In some ways I am ready for this transition and others not. I am definitely looking forward to getting back into the swing of things ( meaning a routine), having a daily shower and making sure my teeth are brushed. But I feel like at 10 weeks of age it is so soon to send my Mr. man to day care. I could cry.

He is just so little still, and really needs his mommy ( so I make myself believe). My mom has offered to take off of work and visit for a week to watch him. This is a nice offer keeping in mind that my mom is 3 hours away and that she would take off of work to watch him so that I could put off day care for one more week. It makes me sad too, because every time I talk to my grandma she says " I wish you were closer" because she too would jump at the chance to watch him. I would feel relieved if this could be.

I am torn as to what I will choose to do, but Jaxon will have to go to daycare, and I will (eventually) get over it !

Monday, October 5, 2009

5 weeks...

Lets see what can I say about this past week... We are sometimes sleeping in 3 hour stretches at night, and of course during the day, go figure. My mastisis has cleared up but not without the help of antibiotics. This has made Jaxon have severe loose stool thus resulting in mega diaper rash. He screams when you touch it with a wipe.

This week was also the second time I have tried him on formula and it was not good. I tried him at two weeks old on Enfamil Premium with lipil he did great on the liquid but threw up the powder. This past week I tried Similac Advanced and he was throwing up so bad he was gagging and having a hard time actually getting it back up. This made me nervous for the day that he does need formula because I don't know what I will do. So far we have not needed to supplement, but I don't plan on breastfeeding forever, I need my life back. Also in the case that my supply tanks, I need an option. At this point my only option is to wait until his two month check up and as the doctor about a formula recommendation. I swear they should sell samples of this crap so you do not have to spend 15-20$ on a can to find out whether their little bellies can tolerate it. My friend did send me a same of the gentle ease up and up brand from Target. This will be next on my list.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Miserable Mastisis

I know this may be TMI,but since I am up at 4:50 with a 102 degree fever I thought I would share with someone. I started feeling very run down a few days ago, and rightfully so I have a newborn. But it seems over the last few days my symptoms have turned into flu like symptoms, achy all over and just plain out of it. Well tonight I had Jason take my temp and it was 102 degrees. I kind of put two and two together when I took into consideration that my left breast feels like it is on fire. And I don't' know if it means anything but Jaxon is not interested in nursing on that side at all. He is pulling on and off.
So here I am burring up with a fever waiting for 8 a.m. to come so that I can phone the nurse at the O.B. office. I also asked Jason to stay home today because with my fever I feel too weak to care for the baby.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 weeks old

Yup, Today Jaxon is 3 weeks old. It is so hard to believe especially since the last three weeks have been such a blur. We by no means have a routine down, we are still just thriving in the moment. I now know why sleep deprivation is a form of torture !

This past Tuesday Jaxon weighed in at 9 lbs 4 oz, so he is a growing boy. And for as much as he eats he should be !! I have introduced the bottle and even supplemented 4 oz of formula and all went over well. This makes me feel better, as I have been getting mixed reviews on both. My boy does not seem picky !

I am still not able to leave the house as freely as I would like ( as I need to) because I cannot carry him in the car seat. I hope by next week, my abs will be feeling much better, and less like they will split from my incision on down !

I am looking forward to getting back to exercising. I think (budget permitting) that I may sign up for an early morning Saturday Pilate's class. True Pilate's ~ using the reformer and cadillac ! I feel like I need to reshape my body.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Review of baby gear !

Jaxon weighs in on his likes an dislikes:

Bassinet- hates it ! I borrowed this from my sister - in- law and I am so glad I did because he hates it.

Pack N Play- Jaxon is now in our room in the PNP for reason stated above. He is not a fan of the newborn napper so that came out last night. We did not get any more sleep than usual, but he looked more comfy !

Swing- Loves it ! I personally think that the lowest setting is too fast for an infant but he does not seem to mind !

Bouncer- Hates It !

Car Seat- OH man- hates it ! He stiffens up, and has the tightest grip on the straps. He also does not fall asleep in the car. I will give him sometime to adjust to this. I was hoping to travel to my home town without Jason while on maternity leave. If Jaxon does not warm up to the car seat, this will be impossible.

Sling- Hates it, I am thinking that I will keep trying this one. I want him to like it ! I just want him close while I am doing things around the house. This is the perfect solution since we live in a tri - level. I cannot possibly be on the same floor as him at all times.

Mommy/Daddy's arms- Loves It ! He loves sleeping on our chest. And I think he feels real snuggled in - in his daddy's arms.

And the number one item, getting five stars- hands down.....
Mommy's milk !!! He loves to eat. He is working at being more efficient, and I at being more patient ! I love this bond !

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cry baby- Cry baby !

NO- not Jaxon, me. I can't seem to shake this crying spell that comes over me when night time falls. I find that I am constantly waking to check on him, almost wishing he would wake up so that I can hold him.
I look at him and cry, and feel such the need to be close to him. My BF is every two hours around the clock but for some reason at night I wish it was per hour. I love my little man so much ! I could sit and stroke his beautiful black hair, his tiny perfect hands, and his kissable cheeks !

My mom is here and leaving on Sunday after being here for one week. I am so anxious about this. At least with her here I am sleeping through the day, since I can't seem to catch more than 45 minute stretches throughout the night. I don't know how I will get any sleep with her gone.

Jason has been such a great support person and has offered to get up during the night, but it feels like by letting him do so he is taking something away from me. I know this is not true, but I dont' think I would truly be sleeping anyway knowing that Jaxon is up and I could possibly be with him.

( I had a pic to show, but blogger is being silly for the moment)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Until I get a chance to blog....

Here are some photos:

Jaxon David was born 8.27.2009 at 9:02 a.m. He weighs 8 lbs 7 oz. of chubiness ! He is 21 in long.

I am recovering as well as you can be from a C/S. BF is rough but going well. Jason rocks at taking care of both Jaxon and I ! I am so thankful, God is so Good ~

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Birthday !

I get to meet my son today !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Officially on Leave....

My maternity leave officially started yesterday. I think my employer was expecting me to work up until Wednesday but in reality there is just no way it could have been done. Also the longer I stuck it out the more work that was piling up. We had new patients starting which means new assessments, treatment plans and papers to be filed with the Social Security Administration, Medicare, and on- and on-

Also no official decision has been made about how much time I will be taking off. Now that I have a planned C-Section I almost feel that I need the entire 12 weeks. I feel like the first 6 weeks will just be dedicated to me feeling better and taking care of myself. I truly won't know, until I am in the situation.

So here I am day two of my leave. I have been filling my time with small cleaning projects and running errands. I could come up with a long list of things to do but I am so physically uncomfortable that it would never get done.

At this point, I am at peace with the cleanliness of the house, the unfinished nursery, and the home projects left undone (or completely untouched ).

I am just ready for BABY !!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

39 weeks...

Today was my 39 week appointment. No changes. The doctor said even if we took the size of the baby out of the equation we would still be talking C-Section. His position is still off to the left side, and while he is head down he is not in the pelvis.
She also broke the news to me that "once a C-Section, always a C-Section" I know some doctors will allow you to try for a VBAC, but obviously she is not one of them.
We talked about how the procedure will go, and what to expect. Jason asked a really good question during the Q & A,( one that I would have never thought to ask myself) Will his lungs be suctioned ? The doctor thought this was a very good question and could tell that he had been doing his reading !! The answer is yes, babies who get to experience contractions in the womb have a type of cleansing ( if you will) to their lungs. Unfortunately C-Sections babies do not get this opportunity. The doctor said that just one suction of the mask is enough to make them take their first breath. I am glad we got that out in the open so I will no be alarmed if they take a mask and bag to my baby's face. After delivery Jason will go with the baby to the nursery for sometime while I get cleaned up. My doctor said that I can expect stitches ( no staples) and dermabond- a type of glue that will last for about one week.
So that is that, I report for duty at 6:30 a.m. on August 27th !
It is so weird knowing that the baby will come soon after that !

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What is on your I-pod ?

I have an I pod that was purchased back in 2005. It is the I-Pod mini, and it also has I- shuffle for the car. I was really into this, making play lists, and uploading songs. I would take this on all of our vacations, and to the gym.

I have not picked this thing up about 2 years. The main reason is it needs the software updated, and I am just too lazy. I guess I am just not that into it.

Okay so this is why I am posting this. At church on Sunday, someone gave me a great idea. They were talking about how they wish that we could share beautiful modern worship songs with our partner church in Africa. Well what better way to do this than on an I-Pod. I don't use it, I have no desire to keep it laying around here any longer so what the hay !

Friday, August 14, 2009

38 weeks....

Yesterday was my 38 week appointment. And I am finally out of the rotation of doctors and back to my own. Sigh.... of relief. My main concern for this appointment is that from week 33/34 up until last week I have been told that the baby is head down. Now a few weeks ago I would have completely agreed due to the amount of pressure I have felt with BH. But lately no so much. I have a ton of pressure on my left hip bone and what feels like feet off to the right side of my ribs. So during my uncomfortable exam she said " you right- I don't feel a head any longer". What not head down, I'm 38 weeks ! The doctor did say that since the past few weeks he has been in the vertex position she was pretty confident he may have just floated above the pelvis. But at 38 weeks there is not much time left for guessing games. I am sitting now waiting to hear from medical imaging, as the doctor ordered an ultrasound for TODAY.
I am so excited for this. My last ultrasound was at the mid point in pregnancy so I can't imagine what he looks like at 38 weeks. The point of the ultrasound is to check on the presentation of the baby, but I also want to get a guess on his weight. Yeah me ( and Jason too).
I will update this post after my appointment with any exciting news.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

37 week appointment....

I've got nothin' ! To report that is - no news ! My cervix is softening and I am a finger tip dilated, but other than that a BIG FAT nothin' UGH - this is emotionally draining. Up until this point in the pregnancy I have been contracting on a regular basis, and now nothing. I am barely having contractions.

I know pregnancy is 40 weeks and will be content carrying up until this point, even to 41. But you see all this time that I have been experiencing contractions ( painful in every way) I thought it may be doing something. So I am just disappointed - it seems a little like false advertisement.

As we speak I am bouncing on my exercise ball hoping that at my appt this Thursday I will have some progress.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


What's that ??? To say I have been restless for the last few weeks would be putting it mildly. It is almost impossible to get comfortable during the night. I find myself waking several times to stretch, walk around, switch sides, and re arrange the pillow (s). But I know the end is near.

This Friday will be my 37 week appointment. The doctor said if I wanted they could check me. I am debating on whether or not I want to know the verdict. I have been having contractions on and off, and when I say this I mean- when time able they are 8 minutes apart. I did bring this up at last weeks appointment, and the doctor's words were " lets hope it ripening that cervix" It sure better be doing something, lady - It hurts !!

I know I have said this before, but my baby room is still not complete. I have come to terms with this. I am doing the best I can. I am still working,( at my job ) and trying to get ahead since I have such minimal coverage for my leave. At times when I get home from work, I sleep for two hours or so. Which leaves just enough time to get a few things done around the house and back into bed. I am letting some things go and hope that when my family comes to town they will help with this stuff around the house. I know I can count on both of my grandmas and my mom for some support in this department.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I only have one post for this month. As you may guess I have been pretty busy. And when I am not busy- I am sleeping. It seems that the first tri sleepiness has returned.
Jason and I have been so busy preparing the room, organizing "stuff" and showing the house. It is all way too much at this point. He and I have discussed taking the house off of the market or limiting our availability ( or willingness) to show the house to two days per week. It seems like I no sooner get things laid out to organize and I have to scram to get them all picked up because we have a showing.
On top of this I am still working, and this is another sore subject. It looks like my case load will somewhat be neglected while I am on leave. This has left me with no choice but to work ahead. And by ahead I mean complete work through October. No pressure~
Lets see what else have I been up to, oh yeah visiting every daycare in town and the neighboring one; both in home and center. Attending all of my showers, 6 TOTAL ! You would think that Jason and I came from divorced homes but neither of us do. We have been so blessed by our family, friends, co-workers etc. We have truly been showered. If you were to look at my registry you would see I have a total of 3 things left on it !
Next on my list is to find a pediatrician. At my last two doctors appts they have asked for the name of the pediatrician and I am getting embarrassed that I don't have one.
Whew, well not to make excuses- but I hope this more than explains my absence.
Stay tuned, once all of the pieces of the room are together I will post some pictures. I am still waiting on one piece of furniture, but it is looking like that may not arrive in time. It is just a book shelf so I am not to worried about it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Maternity Photo's

So awhile back I mentioned that Jason and I would have a maternity shoot, and we did. I love most of the pictures but not all. I would none in the pink.
I am not sure how to share other than posting the public link, it may ask that you "sign in", however this information is not stored or used in anyway- I think the photographer uses this to keep track of the hits on this site.
Event link:

I hope this works.....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Missed Connections...

I know this sounds so random, but I am truly into reading missed connections on Craigslist. I can't figure it out. Do I think these people are truly pathetic, or a hopeless romantic ( really truly believing someone will read this). Well I obviously do ( read it ). Take a peek and let me know what you think. Maybe the guys and dolls of your city are more creative than those here in Grand Rapids.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Baby shower

I love this pic, my girlfriend drove out for my shower, (three hours) she and I are just two weeks apart.
My diaper cake that I have yet to take apart. It had a cute pair of sandals on it , a teether, a binky, some socks and a bottle for the topper.

I got a lot of gifts like this one " goody baskets" . How come I never think of this stuff when I got to showers.

These were the presents for the guests, and when they won a prize I also got a present too. I have so many cute hand made burp clothes.
This shower was for Jason's side of the family and it was given by my mother in law and sister in law. The baby shower was so much more fun than my bridal shower. I guess it was less awkward as people are not giving you gifts directly the gifts are for baby.
More updates..... I am slowly starting to get my hospital bag together. I know it seems soon ( and trust me I am not a planner) but I had my first internal yesterday due to the frequency and intensity of my BH. This is the only appt that Jason has been to ( besides US appts) and he said to me, how nervous he was because we have nothing ready. We have a room that is painted, that is it. I did get a call this week that the crib and dresser have arrived, now it is a matter of picking it up.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home....

This may have been said before, but the current city that I live in is not the city that I grew up in ! I am a transplant ! When Jason and I married we knew that we would live in his home town due to many reasons. I had no problem with this, as I have lived many places ( cities) and do not seem to get too attached. But there is something about being pregnant, and wanting to go home. Well this weekend is my cousins wedding and I get to go home. It may not seem like a big deal but it is. Just the little things like in simple conversation when others are referencing a place and they name the road and you just can't picture it- well, because you have no idea what they are talking about. When Jason and I first started dating ( I actually lived in Ohio) I could get to his house, and from his house to Meijer and Target. That is all. Now that I have been here for two years I can get to a few neighboring towns and drive into Grand Rapids, without getting lost ( I have on-star and this helps too)
Anyway back to my home speech. OHHHH what I am looking forward to the most ! Beirut Gardens, my favorite place to eat Fattoush, Kibbe, and Babaganoush ! yum yum, slurp slurp ! Jason is not big on Lebanese, but I am sure to win him over with my selections this evening.
Hope you have a great weekend !

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two years ago... yesterday

We were married ! How lame, I am a day late for my own anniversary. I like anniversary's to be special, but there just wasn't any time. Yesterday Jason and I toured the hospital that we will deliver at and pre-registered. This was very exciting to me, as it is a sign that it is getting closer. I don't know how Jason felt after the tour but I hope he found some peace. I think he is a bit anxious about the entire process. After the meeting he told me that he was the most worried about bathing baby... I had nothing to offer... me too !
But we are doing something tonight, our maternity shoot. It will be a good two to three weeks before we get anything back, but I will be sure to share.

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Anniversary is coming up......

It is the month of June, the kick off to wedding season. I love weddings, dresses, the cake and all of the details that are involved.

The day that Jason and I got married June 9, 2007 was a great day. Yes, there were problems uh-hem a peach cake ( no- not by choice ). But most enjoyable to say the least.

I do have one regret and that is my dress. When I started looking at dresses I had a vision ( I think we all do). Well mine happened to be an 8,000$ vision. A beautiful Monique Lhuillier gown. I am talking an Italian lace bolero with the most beautiful cream satin pick-up skirt. And to top it off a rich cream satin sash with an antique broach.

Yeah- this didn't happen.

So my search was on to recreate this look. It was no easy task, and in the end I had three wedding dresses on my hands ( but I did wear two of them).

Now thinking back I almost wish that I would have splurged and went for the designer gown. Jason and I talked about this gown ( alot) he even offered to pay for it ( that didn't seem right for me). But it made even less sense that I, the social worker at a non-profit organization, recently out of grad school drive my butt to Chicago and purchase this fancy dress. So as all budget conscious people do I improvised.

I will share this impostor, but for now I leave you with the goods.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Me and BABY(belly)

Here are a few pics of me and my BELLY ! No these are not from a maternity shoot. I actually took a class to better acquaint my self with my new SLR. I shortly found myself being the subject in the photos and this is what surfaced. For not planned- these pics are beautiful. I am so happy to have them.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shower invite

I thought I would share my cute little shower invites. My girlfriend had something very similar made like this. She is throwing me a very intimate shower on her back patio at the end of this month. I was so exited when I got these in the mail. I love the bird in the nest theme.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Is she really pregnant ?

Here I am at the beach last week soaking up the sun. I thought now was as good of time as any to prove that I really am expecting. I know typically most will post weekly pics or info about their pregnancy. That just doesn't work for me. I truly have taken this pregnancy day by day. Literally- I sometimes have to get out the calendar to figure out how far along I am ( by the way in the pic I am 25 ish weeks). It really is going by so fast.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring has Sprung

At least in my yard. I have been taking pics over the last week of all of the flowers that have shown up. They don't last long, but it is always a sight to see. Now if we could just get the sun to stick around a little longer than one day.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kate Gosselin...

So this all too famous mom visited our city just days ago promoting her new book. I am not a mother yet- but I find it funny that she has so much time to travel around doing book promotions while her children are at home, and her marriage is being ripped to shreds in the tabloids.
So today while web surfing I found an article about her in Style Watch.... Kate Gosselin ?? and Style ??? come on now. And the hilarious part is - it is all about her hair, and how everyone wants it, and her stylist gets multiple calls asking how this style is created. Please lady ! Seriously you need to cut your hair, especially the long blunt piece that hangs in your crabby face ! The checker board highlights were out years ago, how about a little tone on tone !
She bugs me, can you tell ?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Useless bikinis

I wish these would find their way out of my drawer and out the door. As the weather is breaking we are anticipating our first visit, this season to the beach ! I have seriously thought about hibernating all summer long. I simply have nothing to wear. Not to the beach anyway. And silly me bought a cute bathing suit in Ft. Myers when we were on vacation in Feb.

Now I know pregnant woman are cute, and most of the public are not offended by these strange looking bodies, but I can't bring myself to do it. I am very comfortable with my body and it's new shape. What I can't get past is my porno sized boobs. These will surely be offensive to some neighbor, old lady, or child. I just want to keep my dignity.

So for the next week or so I will be in search for some solution. And let me tell you this solution does not include a maternity swimsuit, because I refuse ! But another alternative will have to do !

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Have you seen my uterus...

So on Friday I woke up feeling quit skinny, like a size zero supermodel. Most of us love these days, however when you are pregnant -not really the feeling I am reaching for.
This has happened twice, so to calm my fears I placed a call to the nurse. I was just looking for some validation. Well I never got a call back. I took this as a big hint " Lady get over it" !
I did come home from work and did the usual lay on my left side and sure enough he was there. All I can think of is that he was low for the last few days and this made the upper part of my belly feel mushy and soft. Anyway this is not something I want to experience often, but will take it and assume it is just normal pregnancy business.

Monday, April 20, 2009

So cute

I bought these for the nursery. The brown with white dots on them. These are so cute. They come flat as a pancake and have a tie on all four sides which make them into a cute little storage bin. I have no idea where I will put them, or put in them- but I got em' anyway. Something else I got too ! Paint !! I am trying to convince Jason to paint while I am gone. I will be out of the house for two days and would love to return to a freshly painted somewhat nursery. I should know better, but a girl can wish.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How are you Feeling ?

I found this book at Target, and I had to have it. Is there a book that is more appropriate for a child who will have a mother who is a social worker ? After all, we are feeling's people. I started thinking back to the first postion I took right out of grad school and wished I had- had this then. During my days of being a dialectial behavior therapist this would have come in handy, as much of my one hour sessions were spent teaching the range of emotions that many don't have ( especially those with Bi-Polar D/O).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quilt of Holes

When I checked my email this morning I had recieved this. ( post below ) I thought it was perfect timing since it is Holy week. I think more than it just being a forwarded email from a friend, it was a reminder. The message allowed me to remember why we celebrate Easter.

*Quilt of Holes*

As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord along with all the other souls. Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles; an angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that is our life. But as my angel took each piece of cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in everyday life. I saw hardships that I endured, which were the largest holes of all. I glanced around me.

Nobody else had such squares. Other than a tiny hole here and there, the other tapestries were filled with rich color and the bright hues of worldly fortune. I gazed upon my own life and was disheartened. My angel was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like binding air. Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed, held up to the light, the scrutiny of truth. The others rose; each in turn, holding up their tapestries. So filled their lives had been. My angel looked upon me, and nodded for me to rise. My gaze dropped to the ground in shame. I hadn't had all the earthly fortunes. I had love in my life, and laughter. But there had also been trials of illness, and wealth, and false accusations that took from me my world, as I knew it. I had to start over many times. I often struggled with the temptation to quit, only to somehow muster the strength to pick up and begin again. I spent many nights on my knees in prayer, asking for help and guidance in my life.

I had often been held up to ridicule, which I endured painfully, each time offering it up to the Father in hopes that I would not melt within my skin beneath the judgmental gaze of those who unfairly judged me. And now, I had to face the truth. My life was what it was, and I had to accept it for what it was.

I rose and slowly lifted the combined squares of my life to the light. An awe-filled gasp filled the air. I gazed around at the others who stared at me with wide eyes. Then, I looked upon the tapestry before me. Light flooded the many holes, creating an image, the face of Christ. Then our Lord stood before me, with warmth and love in His eyes. *He said, 'Every time you gave over your life to Me, it became My life, My hardships, and My struggles. Each point of light in your life is when you stepped aside and let Me shine through, until there was more of Me than there was of you.

May all our quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing Christ to shine through!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bedding for baby

Here it is....

I wanted bedding that was gender neutral for two reasons. The first is that I bought it before we knew we would be expecting a little boy in August, but wanted to snatch it up as it was being clearanced out. And the second reason being that I would like to use it for my next child. I think this set is just enough baby with some modern accents. I don't think you can tell but in the pic. the sheet set is a green swirl and I purchased this too. In addition I purchased the sheet set with the clouds on it. For now it is still sitting in the box it arrived in, until we decide what we are doing. I know for some it is as easy as ..hum what room should we put baby in..For us it's more like in August where are we going to live ??

Our house is still for sale, with no promising buyer on the horizon- lots of lookers but no buyers. We still have our ( a) land with house plans and that building could start any day ( if the stupid house would sell), or we could skip over the building process and buy a ( b) new house.

OH- I choose option B. We will see.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Naming baby....

UGH... now I know why people don't share their names. Well okay- no I don't. I guess I always thought that people might steal your name. No- they just snarl, curl their lip up, laugh or roll their eyes. How rude-
I am no longer sharing my baby name. And my name- which you will know because I am naming my child this, is not out there by any means. This name was not made up or two names smushed together it' a name people. I am impressed that others are so willing to share their opinion about your child's name.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Big Day

Today, is the day ! We are so excited for this day and we hope baby shares with us the gender ! I will edit this post later with an update !

EDIT: It's a boy-It's a boy-It's a boy !
Can you tell I wanted a boy ! Ha-ha got what I wanted. The fetal anatomy scan was perfect ! You can't ask for more than that. We did get a few pic to take home and also she made us a CD. This CD has movement on it, so you can see him putting his hand to his mouth, stretching his legs out and turning to look at us ( kind of creepy).
Yeaah ! a boy !

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Old Wives Tales

We are in the last week of waiting, until our big ultrasound. This is when we hope to find out he sex of our baby. Before that I thought it would be fun to share these wives tales, and to test their theory.

Nauseu- They say that you have more nauseau and vomitting with a girl. I was very nauseous , but no puking.

Heart rate- Anything above 140 is said to be a girl. Below 140 a boy. The heart rate was 170 at 10 weeks.

Cravings-If you crave more sweets- girl. Sour tastes- boy
I must be having one of each.....

Acne-With a girl you are supposed to have more acne due to your hormones and less with a boy. We'll just say I am seeing a dermatologist on Friday.

High/Low-If you are feeling heavy below it is a boy. If you feel pressure up top, its a girl. Definately feel like its low.

Also according to the chinese gender chart, by putting in your age at conception and conception month, this can predict gender.

I wish I could say that I have a feeling, but I have never been good at this stuff. And I usually guess wrong. We will see......

Friday, March 13, 2009


Look at these little slices of heaven. Cherry chip with cherry frosting is my favorite cupcake by far. These are also extra delicious because I made them with butter, instead of oil ( Thank you Jimmy). I still can't quit figure out how to keep the cupcake tin from sticking to the cake ?? Hum???
And no I didn't eat these all myself, I shared a dozen with the neighbors. If I hadn't shared, I may have been tempted to pour a glass of milk and have a seat with plate right on my lap.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Vacation pics

I love this plaque on the wall,and it's saying.
Also the guys swimming- cute !
The pool and hot tub were enclosed and overlooked the little lake that the house backs up to.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The BIG 3-0

Its my birthday today- that's right I am 30 ! Ha it sounds so weird - 30.
I am going to have a lovely dinner tonight with my husband and some friends of ours. Also yesterday we had dinner at the in laws where I received some very generous gift cards for occasion. I am sure these will be spent on maternity clothes as I seem to be outgrowing my current wardrobe. I should post a pic, but really I don't have much to show at 14/15 weeks.
On a side note, our vacation to Florida was enjoyable. They were experiencing unseasonably warm weather, which was much to my liking. Anything is better than gray sky and brown grass. There is just a different feeling you get when you wake up in sunshine. Also I loved eating all of the fresh fruit and I did alot of walking. I will upload my pics sometime this week.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Real Quick...

I wanted to share my funny conversation with the customer service representative from the doppler company. So here is my preface. In all of my anxiety I have decided that it would be a good idea to rent a doppler just for two months. Not purchase, not use everyday, just enough time to get me through the next few weeks. So I decided this all on my own, and that I needed it and needed it now. Like over - night first thing in the morning I need it !!! So I call, and the following conversation takes places:

Me: I am inquiring about your overnight shipping and the arrival times should it leave tonight by 7 p.m. Mind you I got this number from the ( advertise we rent dopplers)

Customer service: Ma'm we will have this to you by 10:00 a.m.

Me: Perfect, I would like to place an order.

Customer service: No problem just some quick info to take down, Name, address phone number you get my drift.... Then due date.

Me: August 28th ( in my proud mom -to -be voice)

Customer service: August 28th ma'm

Me: Yup ( that's me, planning on being laid up in a hospital as images run through my mind)

Customer service: you are due August 28th and you want this sent priority over night ?????

Me: ( In my suspicious voice) Is this the correct number to rent dopplers.

Customer service: I am sorry they transferred you to the wrong dept, we ship cord blood containers.

Me: Man, I sure would have been disappointed tomorrow night when I got home from work and found a cord blood kit on my front porch.

Customer service: You would have been more disappointed with your $1800 credit card bill !!

Nuf said !!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I am packing....

We are leaving for vacation on Friday. That means one more day of work, and a week's worth of play. I am in much need of some warm sunshine ( we are going to Florida). This winter has just been too long.
We have rented this house before, so we already know what to expect which is kind of nice when you are away from home. Also this house has a heated pool that is enclosed in the lanai ( ?sp ?) just in case it is not warm enough for the beach. And weather permitting I want to rent a kayak in Lover's Key, the website states that there are Manatee sightings on this route. Hopefully when I get back I will have some fun pictures to share.
See you in a week !

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wow !

I knew I took a break, but I didn't know it was this long. Almost a whole month. I actually can tell you that it felt like a week- or so.

Okay so to my big news. A while back ( with my memory it could be my last post) I said that I would have some big news. And as promised I do. I am getting Bigger ( get it- BIG news) as in my waist line..... Are you catching my drift ????
That's right, were expecting ! Although this is not the most pregnant I have ever been I am confident the outcome of this pregnancy will be different. I am praying. On Monday I will be 13 weeks . This is major, I get to stop my medication ( which I am nervous about) I will hopefully start feeling better, and I will officially allow myself to be excited. Unfortunately I have been robbed of that first time pregnancy ( somewhat naive) excitement. But I will let it flow !

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


After three days of calling and visiting Target on my lunch break, I scored a Wii-fit ! I am so excited to ski, and penguin ice skate. I wish I knew how to hook it up, I would secretly practice without Jason knowing. He-he...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2 BIG items

I am such a lucky girl, I have managed to talk my husband into two major purchases within two weeks of one another. Well the second purchase did not take that much convincing as I am sure you will see.
First off I have been complaing about our bed for the last 7 months. I constantly wake up with back pain. It is not that old (5 years) but it has that hammock effect going on. We are now sleeping soundly in our sleep number bed. My number 20- and his 60 ! We would have never found a bed that we could agree on, so it was just better to spend the money on this.

Second big purchase is a Wii....... I have kicked his butt in boxing and bowling..... He did beat me in tennis. Also we bought dance dance revolution. And I am sorry to say that he is better than I !
I am waiting for Target to get their second shipment in of Wii Fit. I was a little too last this morning. Once I purchase Wii fit, I am contemplating the purchase of Jillian's video ( biggest loser trainer) I have heard great things about this video. I am secretly wishing that Bob had one :(

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I need to update my blog.....

In more ways than one. My last entry was on January 3rd which I guess was not that long ago, however I just posted a pic because I was not feeling well.
Anywho I need to overhaul my blog. I need a new background, and preferably nothing to do with winter. I am so sick of winter ! I think I want to update my music too, I heard some fab songs in church today. These are by no means new songs, however they spoke to me in a different way.
Last but of course not least, I have some very exiciting news to share. It may be a week or so until I post this exciting news, just timing and all !
Yeah !

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Too busy for blogging.....

Because I am doing this.....