Friday, November 6, 2009

What is that I hear.....

Nothing...thats right folks .... Silence.....
Jaxon is spending the night at his grandma and grandpa's house tonight. This is our first night away from him and I am very proud of myself. He is only ten weeks old and I am allowing the boy out of my sight. I really do miss him already but I keep focusing on that good nights' sleep that I will be getting tonight. I will need to get up twice to pump, but that is just pumping and going right back to bed no funny business in between. My child who once slept 4/5 hour strectches is suddently back to eating every 2 hours day and night.
So what might a girl do with her new found free time... Dinner and a movie. Jason and I are hanging out with our favorite neighbors tonight. This was typically our Friday night in our past life, so it is nice to revisit that once again. Sushi and wine here I come.....(I will hold off on the wasabi as Jaxon gets very fussy when I eat spicy foods.)

Friday, October 30, 2009


I was able to reschedule Jaxon's appointment for November 17th, this happens to be a Tuesday that I will be home. ( I set it up this way)
Just in case he needs his mommy....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

8 weeks old...

This Tuesday Jaxon was officially 2 months old. I have been dreading this milestone as I knew he would be getting his shots. I had it all set up so that Jason could take him to his appointment and I could be outside the room ready to comfort him. I know technically this is the second set of shots but I was in the recovery room when he had his newborn shots so I did not have to experience this.
Well the night before his scheduled appointment the nurse calls to say that the doctor is not seeing any well children. He is only accepting appointments of those who are sick ( which mainly consists of children with the H1N1 virus). I am so thankful that the office is this considerate but now I get to have anxiety for another week or so.
And to top it off if I don't' get him in to see the doctor in the next two weeks I will be back at work.
Which means mommy will not be comforting him all day after his appointment, daycare ladies will be...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall is here

I can't believe it is October already. I can't believe Fall is here.... And most of all I can't believe that in just 3 weeks I will be heading back to work. In some ways I am ready for this transition and others not. I am definitely looking forward to getting back into the swing of things ( meaning a routine), having a daily shower and making sure my teeth are brushed. But I feel like at 10 weeks of age it is so soon to send my Mr. man to day care. I could cry.

He is just so little still, and really needs his mommy ( so I make myself believe). My mom has offered to take off of work and visit for a week to watch him. This is a nice offer keeping in mind that my mom is 3 hours away and that she would take off of work to watch him so that I could put off day care for one more week. It makes me sad too, because every time I talk to my grandma she says " I wish you were closer" because she too would jump at the chance to watch him. I would feel relieved if this could be.

I am torn as to what I will choose to do, but Jaxon will have to go to daycare, and I will (eventually) get over it !

Monday, October 5, 2009

5 weeks...

Lets see what can I say about this past week... We are sometimes sleeping in 3 hour stretches at night, and of course during the day, go figure. My mastisis has cleared up but not without the help of antibiotics. This has made Jaxon have severe loose stool thus resulting in mega diaper rash. He screams when you touch it with a wipe.

This week was also the second time I have tried him on formula and it was not good. I tried him at two weeks old on Enfamil Premium with lipil he did great on the liquid but threw up the powder. This past week I tried Similac Advanced and he was throwing up so bad he was gagging and having a hard time actually getting it back up. This made me nervous for the day that he does need formula because I don't know what I will do. So far we have not needed to supplement, but I don't plan on breastfeeding forever, I need my life back. Also in the case that my supply tanks, I need an option. At this point my only option is to wait until his two month check up and as the doctor about a formula recommendation. I swear they should sell samples of this crap so you do not have to spend 15-20$ on a can to find out whether their little bellies can tolerate it. My friend did send me a same of the gentle ease up and up brand from Target. This will be next on my list.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Miserable Mastisis

I know this may be TMI,but since I am up at 4:50 with a 102 degree fever I thought I would share with someone. I started feeling very run down a few days ago, and rightfully so I have a newborn. But it seems over the last few days my symptoms have turned into flu like symptoms, achy all over and just plain out of it. Well tonight I had Jason take my temp and it was 102 degrees. I kind of put two and two together when I took into consideration that my left breast feels like it is on fire. And I don't' know if it means anything but Jaxon is not interested in nursing on that side at all. He is pulling on and off.
So here I am burring up with a fever waiting for 8 a.m. to come so that I can phone the nurse at the O.B. office. I also asked Jason to stay home today because with my fever I feel too weak to care for the baby.