Monday, August 31, 2009

Until I get a chance to blog....

Here are some photos:

Jaxon David was born 8.27.2009 at 9:02 a.m. He weighs 8 lbs 7 oz. of chubiness ! He is 21 in long.

I am recovering as well as you can be from a C/S. BF is rough but going well. Jason rocks at taking care of both Jaxon and I ! I am so thankful, God is so Good ~

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Birthday !

I get to meet my son today !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Officially on Leave....

My maternity leave officially started yesterday. I think my employer was expecting me to work up until Wednesday but in reality there is just no way it could have been done. Also the longer I stuck it out the more work that was piling up. We had new patients starting which means new assessments, treatment plans and papers to be filed with the Social Security Administration, Medicare, and on- and on-

Also no official decision has been made about how much time I will be taking off. Now that I have a planned C-Section I almost feel that I need the entire 12 weeks. I feel like the first 6 weeks will just be dedicated to me feeling better and taking care of myself. I truly won't know, until I am in the situation.

So here I am day two of my leave. I have been filling my time with small cleaning projects and running errands. I could come up with a long list of things to do but I am so physically uncomfortable that it would never get done.

At this point, I am at peace with the cleanliness of the house, the unfinished nursery, and the home projects left undone (or completely untouched ).

I am just ready for BABY !!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

39 weeks...

Today was my 39 week appointment. No changes. The doctor said even if we took the size of the baby out of the equation we would still be talking C-Section. His position is still off to the left side, and while he is head down he is not in the pelvis.
She also broke the news to me that "once a C-Section, always a C-Section" I know some doctors will allow you to try for a VBAC, but obviously she is not one of them.
We talked about how the procedure will go, and what to expect. Jason asked a really good question during the Q & A,( one that I would have never thought to ask myself) Will his lungs be suctioned ? The doctor thought this was a very good question and could tell that he had been doing his reading !! The answer is yes, babies who get to experience contractions in the womb have a type of cleansing ( if you will) to their lungs. Unfortunately C-Sections babies do not get this opportunity. The doctor said that just one suction of the mask is enough to make them take their first breath. I am glad we got that out in the open so I will no be alarmed if they take a mask and bag to my baby's face. After delivery Jason will go with the baby to the nursery for sometime while I get cleaned up. My doctor said that I can expect stitches ( no staples) and dermabond- a type of glue that will last for about one week.
So that is that, I report for duty at 6:30 a.m. on August 27th !
It is so weird knowing that the baby will come soon after that !

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What is on your I-pod ?

I have an I pod that was purchased back in 2005. It is the I-Pod mini, and it also has I- shuffle for the car. I was really into this, making play lists, and uploading songs. I would take this on all of our vacations, and to the gym.

I have not picked this thing up about 2 years. The main reason is it needs the software updated, and I am just too lazy. I guess I am just not that into it.

Okay so this is why I am posting this. At church on Sunday, someone gave me a great idea. They were talking about how they wish that we could share beautiful modern worship songs with our partner church in Africa. Well what better way to do this than on an I-Pod. I don't use it, I have no desire to keep it laying around here any longer so what the hay !

Friday, August 14, 2009

38 weeks....

Yesterday was my 38 week appointment. And I am finally out of the rotation of doctors and back to my own. Sigh.... of relief. My main concern for this appointment is that from week 33/34 up until last week I have been told that the baby is head down. Now a few weeks ago I would have completely agreed due to the amount of pressure I have felt with BH. But lately no so much. I have a ton of pressure on my left hip bone and what feels like feet off to the right side of my ribs. So during my uncomfortable exam she said " you right- I don't feel a head any longer". What not head down, I'm 38 weeks ! The doctor did say that since the past few weeks he has been in the vertex position she was pretty confident he may have just floated above the pelvis. But at 38 weeks there is not much time left for guessing games. I am sitting now waiting to hear from medical imaging, as the doctor ordered an ultrasound for TODAY.
I am so excited for this. My last ultrasound was at the mid point in pregnancy so I can't imagine what he looks like at 38 weeks. The point of the ultrasound is to check on the presentation of the baby, but I also want to get a guess on his weight. Yeah me ( and Jason too).
I will update this post after my appointment with any exciting news.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

37 week appointment....

I've got nothin' ! To report that is - no news ! My cervix is softening and I am a finger tip dilated, but other than that a BIG FAT nothin' UGH - this is emotionally draining. Up until this point in the pregnancy I have been contracting on a regular basis, and now nothing. I am barely having contractions.

I know pregnancy is 40 weeks and will be content carrying up until this point, even to 41. But you see all this time that I have been experiencing contractions ( painful in every way) I thought it may be doing something. So I am just disappointed - it seems a little like false advertisement.

As we speak I am bouncing on my exercise ball hoping that at my appt this Thursday I will have some progress.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


What's that ??? To say I have been restless for the last few weeks would be putting it mildly. It is almost impossible to get comfortable during the night. I find myself waking several times to stretch, walk around, switch sides, and re arrange the pillow (s). But I know the end is near.

This Friday will be my 37 week appointment. The doctor said if I wanted they could check me. I am debating on whether or not I want to know the verdict. I have been having contractions on and off, and when I say this I mean- when time able they are 8 minutes apart. I did bring this up at last weeks appointment, and the doctor's words were " lets hope it ripening that cervix" It sure better be doing something, lady - It hurts !!

I know I have said this before, but my baby room is still not complete. I have come to terms with this. I am doing the best I can. I am still working,( at my job ) and trying to get ahead since I have such minimal coverage for my leave. At times when I get home from work, I sleep for two hours or so. Which leaves just enough time to get a few things done around the house and back into bed. I am letting some things go and hope that when my family comes to town they will help with this stuff around the house. I know I can count on both of my grandmas and my mom for some support in this department.