Monday, September 28, 2009

Miserable Mastisis

I know this may be TMI,but since I am up at 4:50 with a 102 degree fever I thought I would share with someone. I started feeling very run down a few days ago, and rightfully so I have a newborn. But it seems over the last few days my symptoms have turned into flu like symptoms, achy all over and just plain out of it. Well tonight I had Jason take my temp and it was 102 degrees. I kind of put two and two together when I took into consideration that my left breast feels like it is on fire. And I don't' know if it means anything but Jaxon is not interested in nursing on that side at all. He is pulling on and off.
So here I am burring up with a fever waiting for 8 a.m. to come so that I can phone the nurse at the O.B. office. I also asked Jason to stay home today because with my fever I feel too weak to care for the baby.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 weeks old

Yup, Today Jaxon is 3 weeks old. It is so hard to believe especially since the last three weeks have been such a blur. We by no means have a routine down, we are still just thriving in the moment. I now know why sleep deprivation is a form of torture !

This past Tuesday Jaxon weighed in at 9 lbs 4 oz, so he is a growing boy. And for as much as he eats he should be !! I have introduced the bottle and even supplemented 4 oz of formula and all went over well. This makes me feel better, as I have been getting mixed reviews on both. My boy does not seem picky !

I am still not able to leave the house as freely as I would like ( as I need to) because I cannot carry him in the car seat. I hope by next week, my abs will be feeling much better, and less like they will split from my incision on down !

I am looking forward to getting back to exercising. I think (budget permitting) that I may sign up for an early morning Saturday Pilate's class. True Pilate's ~ using the reformer and cadillac ! I feel like I need to reshape my body.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Review of baby gear !

Jaxon weighs in on his likes an dislikes:

Bassinet- hates it ! I borrowed this from my sister - in- law and I am so glad I did because he hates it.

Pack N Play- Jaxon is now in our room in the PNP for reason stated above. He is not a fan of the newborn napper so that came out last night. We did not get any more sleep than usual, but he looked more comfy !

Swing- Loves it ! I personally think that the lowest setting is too fast for an infant but he does not seem to mind !

Bouncer- Hates It !

Car Seat- OH man- hates it ! He stiffens up, and has the tightest grip on the straps. He also does not fall asleep in the car. I will give him sometime to adjust to this. I was hoping to travel to my home town without Jason while on maternity leave. If Jaxon does not warm up to the car seat, this will be impossible.

Sling- Hates it, I am thinking that I will keep trying this one. I want him to like it ! I just want him close while I am doing things around the house. This is the perfect solution since we live in a tri - level. I cannot possibly be on the same floor as him at all times.

Mommy/Daddy's arms- Loves It ! He loves sleeping on our chest. And I think he feels real snuggled in - in his daddy's arms.

And the number one item, getting five stars- hands down.....
Mommy's milk !!! He loves to eat. He is working at being more efficient, and I at being more patient ! I love this bond !

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cry baby- Cry baby !

NO- not Jaxon, me. I can't seem to shake this crying spell that comes over me when night time falls. I find that I am constantly waking to check on him, almost wishing he would wake up so that I can hold him.
I look at him and cry, and feel such the need to be close to him. My BF is every two hours around the clock but for some reason at night I wish it was per hour. I love my little man so much ! I could sit and stroke his beautiful black hair, his tiny perfect hands, and his kissable cheeks !

My mom is here and leaving on Sunday after being here for one week. I am so anxious about this. At least with her here I am sleeping through the day, since I can't seem to catch more than 45 minute stretches throughout the night. I don't know how I will get any sleep with her gone.

Jason has been such a great support person and has offered to get up during the night, but it feels like by letting him do so he is taking something away from me. I know this is not true, but I dont' think I would truly be sleeping anyway knowing that Jaxon is up and I could possibly be with him.

( I had a pic to show, but blogger is being silly for the moment)