Monday, July 20, 2009


I only have one post for this month. As you may guess I have been pretty busy. And when I am not busy- I am sleeping. It seems that the first tri sleepiness has returned.
Jason and I have been so busy preparing the room, organizing "stuff" and showing the house. It is all way too much at this point. He and I have discussed taking the house off of the market or limiting our availability ( or willingness) to show the house to two days per week. It seems like I no sooner get things laid out to organize and I have to scram to get them all picked up because we have a showing.
On top of this I am still working, and this is another sore subject. It looks like my case load will somewhat be neglected while I am on leave. This has left me with no choice but to work ahead. And by ahead I mean complete work through October. No pressure~
Lets see what else have I been up to, oh yeah visiting every daycare in town and the neighboring one; both in home and center. Attending all of my showers, 6 TOTAL ! You would think that Jason and I came from divorced homes but neither of us do. We have been so blessed by our family, friends, co-workers etc. We have truly been showered. If you were to look at my registry you would see I have a total of 3 things left on it !
Next on my list is to find a pediatrician. At my last two doctors appts they have asked for the name of the pediatrician and I am getting embarrassed that I don't have one.
Whew, well not to make excuses- but I hope this more than explains my absence.
Stay tuned, once all of the pieces of the room are together I will post some pictures. I am still waiting on one piece of furniture, but it is looking like that may not arrive in time. It is just a book shelf so I am not to worried about it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Maternity Photo's

So awhile back I mentioned that Jason and I would have a maternity shoot, and we did. I love most of the pictures but not all. I would none in the pink.
I am not sure how to share other than posting the public link, it may ask that you "sign in", however this information is not stored or used in anyway- I think the photographer uses this to keep track of the hits on this site.
Event link:

I hope this works.....