Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Big Day

Today, is the day ! We are so excited for this day and we hope baby shares with us the gender ! I will edit this post later with an update !

EDIT: It's a boy-It's a boy-It's a boy !
Can you tell I wanted a boy ! Ha-ha got what I wanted. The fetal anatomy scan was perfect ! You can't ask for more than that. We did get a few pic to take home and also she made us a CD. This CD has movement on it, so you can see him putting his hand to his mouth, stretching his legs out and turning to look at us ( kind of creepy).
Yeaah ! a boy !

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Old Wives Tales

We are in the last week of waiting, until our big ultrasound. This is when we hope to find out he sex of our baby. Before that I thought it would be fun to share these wives tales, and to test their theory.

Nauseu- They say that you have more nauseau and vomitting with a girl. I was very nauseous , but no puking.

Heart rate- Anything above 140 is said to be a girl. Below 140 a boy. The heart rate was 170 at 10 weeks.

Cravings-If you crave more sweets- girl. Sour tastes- boy
I must be having one of each.....

Acne-With a girl you are supposed to have more acne due to your hormones and less with a boy. We'll just say I am seeing a dermatologist on Friday.

High/Low-If you are feeling heavy below it is a boy. If you feel pressure up top, its a girl. Definately feel like its low.

Also according to the chinese gender chart, by putting in your age at conception and conception month, this can predict gender.

I wish I could say that I have a feeling, but I have never been good at this stuff. And I usually guess wrong. We will see......

Friday, March 13, 2009


Look at these little slices of heaven. Cherry chip with cherry frosting is my favorite cupcake by far. These are also extra delicious because I made them with butter, instead of oil ( Thank you Jimmy). I still can't quit figure out how to keep the cupcake tin from sticking to the cake ?? Hum???
And no I didn't eat these all myself, I shared a dozen with the neighbors. If I hadn't shared, I may have been tempted to pour a glass of milk and have a seat with plate right on my lap.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Vacation pics

I love this plaque on the wall,and it's saying.
Also the guys swimming- cute !
The pool and hot tub were enclosed and overlooked the little lake that the house backs up to.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The BIG 3-0

Its my birthday today- that's right I am 30 ! Ha it sounds so weird - 30.
I am going to have a lovely dinner tonight with my husband and some friends of ours. Also yesterday we had dinner at the in laws where I received some very generous gift cards for occasion. I am sure these will be spent on maternity clothes as I seem to be outgrowing my current wardrobe. I should post a pic, but really I don't have much to show at 14/15 weeks.
On a side note, our vacation to Florida was enjoyable. They were experiencing unseasonably warm weather, which was much to my liking. Anything is better than gray sky and brown grass. There is just a different feeling you get when you wake up in sunshine. Also I loved eating all of the fresh fruit and I did alot of walking. I will upload my pics sometime this week.