Monday, September 28, 2009

Miserable Mastisis

I know this may be TMI,but since I am up at 4:50 with a 102 degree fever I thought I would share with someone. I started feeling very run down a few days ago, and rightfully so I have a newborn. But it seems over the last few days my symptoms have turned into flu like symptoms, achy all over and just plain out of it. Well tonight I had Jason take my temp and it was 102 degrees. I kind of put two and two together when I took into consideration that my left breast feels like it is on fire. And I don't' know if it means anything but Jaxon is not interested in nursing on that side at all. He is pulling on and off.
So here I am burring up with a fever waiting for 8 a.m. to come so that I can phone the nurse at the O.B. office. I also asked Jason to stay home today because with my fever I feel too weak to care for the baby.

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