Monday, October 5, 2009

5 weeks...

Lets see what can I say about this past week... We are sometimes sleeping in 3 hour stretches at night, and of course during the day, go figure. My mastisis has cleared up but not without the help of antibiotics. This has made Jaxon have severe loose stool thus resulting in mega diaper rash. He screams when you touch it with a wipe.

This week was also the second time I have tried him on formula and it was not good. I tried him at two weeks old on Enfamil Premium with lipil he did great on the liquid but threw up the powder. This past week I tried Similac Advanced and he was throwing up so bad he was gagging and having a hard time actually getting it back up. This made me nervous for the day that he does need formula because I don't know what I will do. So far we have not needed to supplement, but I don't plan on breastfeeding forever, I need my life back. Also in the case that my supply tanks, I need an option. At this point my only option is to wait until his two month check up and as the doctor about a formula recommendation. I swear they should sell samples of this crap so you do not have to spend 15-20$ on a can to find out whether their little bellies can tolerate it. My friend did send me a same of the gentle ease up and up brand from Target. This will be next on my list.

1 comment:

leah @maritalbless said...

Could he be any more handsome? ?Honestly, I love that photo!

I'm glad the mastisis is clearing up, but I remember how bad a terrible diaper rash can be. :( Use plain rags with water, it might help.